Our manuscript entitled "Pevonedistat targets malignant cells in myeloproliferative neoplasms in vitro and in vivo via NFkB pathway inhibition" is now available here!
DBBS Cancer Biology student Luisangely Soto Torres has joined the lab for a rotation. Welcome Luisangely!
MSTP student Connie Yang has joined the lab for a rotation. Welcome Connie!
MSTP student Tim Kong has officially joined the lab for his PhD studies. Welcome Tim!
DBBS Cancer Biology student Molly Brakhane has officially joined the lab. Welcome Molly!
DBBS student Taylor Collins successfully defended her thesis. Congrats Taylor!!!
DBBS student Molly Brakhane has joined the lab for a rotation. Welcome Molly!
Internal Medicine resident Kevin Shim has joined the lab for his C-STAR research block. Welcome Kevin!